by Solvere

Solvere will be part of the IcebreakerOne initiative, which aims to develop the "environmental data web", in order to speed up the exchange of financial, technical and environmental data on infrastructures and facilitate the proliferation of sustainable investments. The collaboration agreement was published here and was mentioned during the presentation of the initiative at the United Nations assembly in September 2019.

IcebreakerOne is an initiative by Gavin Starks, a pioneer in the open data industry, CEO of the Open Data Institute, co-founder of the Open Banking Standard and CEO of the Global Environmental Intelligence Company, AMEE.

IcebreakerOne is an organization formed by a group of experts in risk, investment, strategy and financial services, among others.

Solvere is the first Spanish company to join the initiative, convinced that a greater and better flow of data will serve as a lever for change and value in the sector, improving efficiency in the provision of infrastructure services, and in the business of the private companies involved.

Solvere advises infrastructure stakeholders. Over the past two years we have been developing a tool called NautInfra for the identification and management of critical risks. One of its value-drivers is accessibility to the universe of data regarding infrastructures and their environment.

We consider relevant data to be both, geospatial information and thematic information on infrastructures, which includes, for example, the characteristics and status of assets, information flows and organisational aspects, interdependencies with the environment, service performance indicators, etc.

The infrastructure stakeholders’ (planners, regulators, operators, financiers, insurers, etc.) decision-making processes consume an excessive amount of time and resources, due to:

  • Limited availability or restricted access to data from the public administrations or private companies involved.
  • Obsolete and/or incomplete data.
  • Doubtful reliability of the origin of the data.

Therefore, IcebreakerOne and Solvere join forces with the objective of achieving greater efficiency in data accessibility through the creation of markets, based on standards for environmental and financial data, which will facilitate the use of relevant information in analysis and decision-making processes, faster and at a much lower cost.

Header Photo courtesy of Miguel Mansilla on Unsplash